Devlog III: The summoning

Greetings Swordslingers,

Let us take this moment to invite you to the discord channel for chat, suggestions and announcements:

The new artwork deserves a mention here as well, done by

Thy Sword is now featured on the Yoyo Gamemaker showcase. We'd also like to hear your dev-thoughts on GMS/GMS2 and experiences you have with moving over/version development.

Happy to inform you that Thy Sword is popping up on all kinds of places. Porting done by Ratalaika Games for all major consoles.

Thank you to all supporters who found the game here!


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Thanx, fixed!

Deleted 4 years ago

ey man i dont know this shit, but i feel the music, so i created an remix: if its not ok, i can delete it. love your work <3 enjoyed this heavy driven conan game :D

body is there 

btw i was yelling THY SWOOOOORD after every boss kill :D <3